Thursday, May 29, 2008

One Failed Bridge

There was an article last week in the Pocono Record about a bridge in Monroe County that is now closed. The article stated that the bridge will not be repaired until 2009 and that the detour is seven miles and will be used by approximately 700 cars a day.

Think about those numbers. 4900 miles a day will be driven every day because this one bridge was not maintained on a timely basis. Assuming that this bridge will be repaired in one year, that is 1,785,500 miles extra that the citizens of that area will have to drive.
At 20 miles to the gallon that is a waste of 89,275 gallons of gas at the price of $4.00 per gallon that makes a $357,100 added cost.

Government waste comes in all shapes and sizes. For the people affected by this one bridge the cost for 700 drivers works out to an average $510 over the course of one year.

Our State Senators and State Representatives need to immediately turn all gas taxes that are collected into a fund only for the repair of the roads and bridges of this state.

We don’t need more money taken from our pocket, we need the government to better spend what they already have taken from us.

If you agree with me please email this to your state public officials.

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